Welcome to the Radiology Assistant
Educational site of the Radiological Society
of the Netherlands
by Frank and Robin Smithuis
Radiology Assistant is a donor of Medical Action Myanmar
Thymic masses and mimics
newNecrotizing Enterocolitis
newCystic Lung Disease - Differential diagnosis
newGo to the Lectures
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
newImaging findings in TB
AO Spine Classification
Lecture by Frank Smithuis
Intracranial Hypotension
Staging Bladder Cancer - VI-RADS
Endometrial Cancer - MR staging
Lung Segments and Bronchi
Cardiovascular Pearls on Chest CT...
Cartilage tumors
Cervical Cancer - MR staging
Horner syndrome
Enhancement patterns in CNS
Anal cancer staging
Prostate Cancer - PI-RADS v2.1
Prostate Anatomy
Head Neck tumor - any red flags?
newChest X-Ray - Basic Interpretation
Abdominal wall hernias
Large airway disease
New website for medical interns
Neonatal Chest X-Ray
How to Differentiate Carotid Obstructions
Support Medical Action Myanmar
Award winning App 2.0
Hamstring injury
Diff diagnosis of bone tumors
Trigeminal neuralgia
Liver - Segmental Anatomy
Dementia - Role of MRI
Foot and Ankle cases
Normal values in Pediatric US
Rectal Cancer staging - MRI 3.0
HRCT - Basic Interpretation
Multiple Sclerosis 2.0
Lung disease - 4 pattern approach