Georgios Agrotis, Rhiannon van Loenhout, Frank Zijta, Robin Smithuis and Ivo Schoots
Radiology Department of University Hospital of Larissa in Greece and the Haaglanden MC, Alrijne Hospital and Erasmus MC in the Netherlands
The introduction of the PI-RADS classification for prostate MRI in 2012 lead to a more standardized acquisition, interpretation and reporting of prostate MRI.
The PI-RADS Steering Committee...
Rhiannon van Loenhout, Frank Zijta, Robin Smithuis and Ivo Schoots
Radiology Department of the Haaglanden MC, Alrijne Hospital and Erasmus MC, the Netherlands
MRI of the prostate has become increasingly popular with the use of multiparametric MRI and the PI-RADS classification.
In this article we describe the MR anatomy of the prostate and regional...